Watsonville Municipal Airport (WVI) Photo

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Photo ID: AP37705

Watsonville Municipal Airport (WVI) - End of airshow with planes ready for departure as Tcraft lifts off.Notice the fog which was always a concern.Reason airshow moved to end of year.Weather prevented me from attending two airshows (attempted but turned back) in the 80s.

End of airshow with planes ready for departure as Tcraft lifts off.Notice the fog which was always a concern.Reason airshow moved to end of year.Weather prevented me from attending two airshows (attempted but turned back) in the 80s.

Photo Info

Airport Watsonville Municipal Airport (WVI)
Watsonville, CA
Photographer: S B J
More photos by S B J
Contact S B J
Upload Date: 2015-06-11
Views: 388
Total 18 photos. View all photos
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